5 Vintage Memes That Make Us Question Dating

Might As Well Date Yourself

Ever go on countless dates, but sparks aren’t flying? There seems to be no connection at all, and it can be super frustrating. This vintage meme is totally relatable for those that want to give up and live a life of solitude. Might as well date yourself! You say to yourself, “I disagree that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and instead decide to date the best one of all, me!”

Online Dating

5 Vintage Memes That Make Us Question Dating

Its risky business putting yourself out there, and especially so when it’s online. You’re worried about being catfished and setup for an awkward surprise when you find out that Prince Charming is actually a frog. Many are also afraid that the online chatting won’t translate to genuine real-life conversations and connection. This vintage meme paints the picture perfectly.

Alexa, Turn My Feelings Off

5 Vintage Memes That Make Us Question Dating

This vintage meme has a modern twist, but its totally relatable. It can come on suddenly and unsuspectingly. You’re getting feelings and you don’t know how to handle them. They may even seem like an inconvenience so therefore you simply say, “Alexa, turn my feelings off!”

Keep Your Head Up

5 Vintage Memes That Make Us Question Dating

We’ve all had a bad date. Maybe even a few, or four, or five…Many hold out and wish that there’s something more that’ll come of the connection. As time goes on though, one’s patience runs thin and you’re left feeling just how this vintage meme describes. “She could no longer pretend he wasn’t an idiot.”

An Irritating Date

5 Vintage Memes That Make Us Question Dating

This vintage meme may seem a bit dramatic, but we’ve all been there. Your patience has run thin and you’re putting on a cool smile, pretending not to be irritated, all the while thinking to yourself, “I’m running out of reasons not to stab you.” Oh, the troubles of dating someone boring!